21 INTP 7w6 15https://www.freepnglogos.com/uploads/discordlogopng/discordu2013swissgeeks23.png midnightserpent What do I value in a piece of media?https://www..com/watch?v=XUhVCoTsBaM https://millionwallpapers.com/wallpapers/2/88/331688703349485/bookwallpaperblue.jpg Note: I wrote all this a long ass time ago and dont necessarily still agree with everything but Im too lazy to change ithttps://www..com/watch?v=XUhVCoTsBaM I always judge media solely based on my enjoyment. This can consist of many things like humor tension thrill and the like but most of my enjoyment ends up coming from awe created by something I find truly beautiful. This feeling can be anything from intense chills from something crazy unfolding onscreen to just a simple fascination of a profound idea told through dialogue but no matter what form it takes its always the main feeling I look for while consuming any form of storytelling. The best way I can think of to describe what exactly brings me this feeling is by breaking down a story into 3 categories: its ideas that drive the story its characters that serve as the vessels for these ideas and the overall execution of those ideas which is basically everything we end up seeing onscreen or on paper. Ideashttps://www..com/watch?v=XUhVCoTsBaM https://cdni.fancaps.net/file/fancapsmovieimages/4317546.jpg When judging a storys ideas I like to think of the question How can we be happy?. The closer a storys themes and ideas get to fully answering this question the more Ill be awed by them. The more you confront this question the closer you venture out into the ends of the universe and explore the nature of the mind and reality which Im all about. This means that my favorite shows tend to be ones that deal with happiness and the opposite of happiness on a fundamental thorough and deeply existential level. Charactershttps://www..com/watch?v=XUhVCoTsBaM https://www.wallpaperup.com/uploads/wallpapers/2016/11/18/1048887/cd9a45c983967a5377b369154f1fb9e0700.jpg Since the universe programmed me to empathize with my own species Im impacted most by characters that are emotionally realistic dynamic and complex. I want characters to experience a wide range of both positive and negative emotions throughout their story and I want to see them grow and develop significantly along the way. Its also great to give them hobbies thoughts and relationships that further humanize them. And no Im not saying I can only empathize with humans they just have to have some sort of emotional overlap with us. One of my favorite movies literally centers around a garbage collecting robothttps://movies.disney.com/walle but thats largely because this robot oozes raw human personality and emotion. Executionhttps://www..com/watch?v=XUhVCoTsBaM https://i.yt.com/vi/hHT6Ok1cuNw/maxresdefault.jpg When it comes to how it all plays out onscreen which includes the way the story is told how characters are externally portrayed and everything to do with audiovisuals I tend to gravitate towards things that come closest to matching the word dreamlike. And yeah that includes nightmarish. What I mean by this is basically something that has a heavy atmosphere or feel to it that evokes some sort of emotional response just by existing. Bleh its hard to put into words but I think dreamlike has built up a connotation over the years that sums up what Im trying to say well enough. While this usually implies highly fantastical stories that defy realism at every given opportunity this doesnt mean that I only enjoy works that are not grounded in reality works like Your Namehttps://anilist.co/anime/21519/YourName/ and The Shawshank Redemptionhttps://www.imdb.com/title/tt0111161/ do a fantastic job of creating a dreamlike atmosphere over very grounded settings. And while its easiest for animation to capture this atmosphere which is the main reason why I gravitate towards it the most as a medium its totally doable in live action manga and even normal books. If a piece of storytelling nails these three aspects Im bound to love it. And even if it only does well in one Ill still probably end up liking it. If you have any questions comments or criticisms about this or you want to recommend me things that you feel satisfy these descriptions Id be happy to hear them. Oh Im also a sucker for gurren lagann. PS Im a masochist for debate so if any of you guys ever disagree with my anime opinions/ratings and want to engage in some friendly verbal combat please do it hehe

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