I was really stubborn about watching anime and reading manga for years so my friends forced me to get through some and now Im doing this voluntarily. Oh god. Quick Elle facts: I did not watch an anime ever until February of 2023 as long as you dont count random episodes of those 4kids dubs theyd play on morning cartoon blocks I did not read a single manga besides a stray read of Uzumaki until picking up Chainsaw Man in October of 2022 If I seem clueless about something its probably because I am I avoided this stuff like the plague for years Paused manga typically means Im reading it through the physical volumes and need to find more. Stop asking You can find me elsewhere herehttps://ekd.sc Quick diatribe about how I rate: If its above a 5/10 theres at least some aspects I enjoyed Too many people think a 6/10 is a bad thing for some reason. Usually just means I didnt feel too strongly about it or there was some major aspect that watered it down for me. The worst rating something can get is a 5/10 because it means I felt nothing or that the thing is an absolute mess. If Im somehow rating something as a grand disaster close to 0/10 it might be worth a watch anyways because sometimes bad things are fun.

Genre Overview

45 Entries
35 Entries
26 Entries
24 Entries
19 Entries
Total Anime
Days Watched
Mean Score
Total Manga
Chapters Read
Mean Score
