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Chichibu de Buchichi

The story of Chichibu de Buchichi follows Karuko, a young woman who is scheduled to have an arranged marriage meeting. However, Karuko can't forget a fateful encounter that she had with a young man in Chichibu many years ago, and she believes that if she returns to visit the scenes of their pleasant memories together, that the two of them will surely be reunited...

(Source: Crunchyroll)


The story of Chichibu de Buchichi follows Karuko, a young woman who is scheduled to have an arranged marriage meeting. However, Karuko can't forget a fateful encounter that she had with a young man in Chichibu many years ago, and she believes that if she returns to visit the scenes of their pleasant memories together, that the two of them will surely be reunited...

(Source: Crunchyroll)

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