
Support AniList & AniChart (Donations)
Why do we need your help? AniList & AniChart are free to use but adsupported, however ads don't make enough to support the sites and we don't want to fill our pages with countless ads that can ruin your experience. Your donations will allow us to cover our server payments, development costs, and keep the sites running long into the future. : What do I get for donating? Donators receive access to exclusive features and bonuses, such as badges, animated avatars and lots more Check out each donation tier for their specific perks. Please note the minimum donation amount is $1. Monthly donations or Onetime donations We'll be incredibly thankful for any donation you can give, though recurring monthly donations will allow us greater financial stability in the months to come. If Patreon isn't your thing you can also do monthly donations via PayPal. Onetime donations will receive equivalent rewards for the same amount of time as one monthly donation . Please be aware donations are currently being processed manually and may up to 48 hours to be activated. If you have issues with your donation, please message @TehNut or email us at Donation Rewards/Month $1 Tier Donator badge Discord patreon role Test out beta features before everyone else $3 Tier AniList & AniChart ads removed Pinned activity Custom profile colors $5 Tier Animated Gif Avatars Increase your genre, tag, voice actor, staff, and studio stats from 30 to up to 100 cards Full stats update every 12 hours Custom donator badge text on profile $10 Tier Custom donator badge text sitewide Full stats update every 6 hours Super discord patreon role $20 Tier Full stats update every 2 hours Sitewide animated rainbow donator badge A massive thanks to anyone who donates, we really appreciate it :
New User Intro Thread - Welcome!
Introduce yourself : A short bio of who you are, what you like or just say hi if you'd prefer. Discord Server: Mobile & Desktop Apps:
AniList Ownership Change
Hey everyone, as some may have already seen from our posts on April 1, @TehNut and I are officially the new coowners of AniList We have had many ideas swirling around in our heads for the future betterment and development of the site. Here's some of the things you can expect to see us working on: Site stability New API version More frequent site updates A mobile app Many other large features we have on the roadmap Some of these things will come sooner than others, but rest assured we will be pushing towards these goals and more. We hope you will support us in our efforts to further develop AniList
AniList Roadmap & Changelog
Please note that this roadmap and changelog is not a comprehensive list of all bugs and features to be addressed or implemented in the future and is in no particular order. Priorities may change dependant on the needs of the website and user base. Exact release dates can't be given, but feel free to ask on the Anilist discord server. Use the Subscribe button at the bottom of this post for notifications on new site updates. AniList Future Features Anime/manga tags rework UI improvements Polls Micro reviews/Reactions Anime song data Improved average score algorithm Dubbed languages data & filtering More options around Twitter integration Add Manga/Light Novel publications More character & staff images Markdown rework User uploadable images Adding activity types for reviews, thread creation etc Show score, progress, and more data on activity List export & auto backups Improve List Comparison feature Improved airing page Review comments Groups/Clubs
AniList Guidelines & Data Submissions
These guidelines are at the interpretation of the mods and admins of the site. Ignoring any of these guidelines may result in content being removed, locked, or even your account being banned from AniList. We may alter these guidelines from time to time without an announcement. However, in most circumstances, any changes will be announced to the community beforehand. If you have any questions or suggestions regarding our guidelines, please create a topic with the “Site Feedback” tag or ask in the sitesupport channel on Discord , and we will get back to you. General Site Guidelines Copyrighted content: Linking or guiding others to illicit copyrighted content is prohibited. This includes streaming websites/apps, torrents, direct downloads, etc. Mature Content: Media classified as “Ecchi” must be shared in spoiler tags and must be labeled as such outside the tags. Media classified as “NSFW” is outright disallowed from being shared on the site. **Ecchi** images contain pantsu, lingerie, underwear, or other questionable content. The following list is not allencompassing but should give you a general idea: **Underwear or lingerie**, both fully or mostly visible. A tiny glimpse, such as the top of a bra cup, bra straps, or the top band of underwear, is generally fine. **Clothe outlines** that can not be distinguished from nipples. **Fetish content** such as bondage, latex, armpits, feet, etc. **Sexually suggestive poses/framing**. **Undressing to nude** or mostly nude. **Excessive** “sideboob”, “underboob”, or cleavage. **NSFW** images are considered **NSFW** if they contain real graphic violence or explicit nudity of any kind. The following list is not allencompassing but should be a general idea of what to avoid: **Detailed Clothe outlines** such as cameltoe, areolas that can be distinguished from nipples, or a crotch bulge clearly distinguished as a penis and balls. **Depictions of sexual acts**, regardless of nudity and including partial/cropped images, even if no genitals or other erogenous zones are shown. **Bodily fluids** such as semen, precum, vaginal discharge, fetishized lactation, fetishized blood, realistic feces, realistic vomit, or realistic urine. Any fluids meant to be intentionally mistaken for the others and used in a sexual context will be treated as the liquid they are attempting to imitate. **Nudity** such as exposed pubic hair, pubic regions, exposed female nipples/areola , bare breasts , or bare buttocks. **Clothed crotches** that take up the majority of the frame. **Sexual or sexually implied images of childlike characters.** Given the age of a character, the stated age should be immaterial; what is important is the visual design of the character in that image. **Real graphic violence** such as extreme amounts of blood, gore, or violence. User Behaviour: Trolling, harassing, or abusing users will not be tolerated. Context will always matter around a possible infraction. Conspiring with others or harassing an underprivileged class may result in harsher punishments than the reverse. Some examples of what can be considered harassment are as follows: Repeatedly sending insulting messages. Dogpiling. Any statement that is prejudiced against a group of people, such as but not limited to race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, or religion. Evading another user's block regardless of the reason for blocking. Telling another user they should kill themselves or that they should die. Sending another user intentionally disturbing images or sending them intentionally disturbing statements. Posting racist, homophobic, transphobic, ableist, xenophobic, religious discrimination, or illegal content is prohibited. Making light of or glorifying nonfictional violence is prohibited. Doxxing another user is prohibited. Doxxing can include publicizing private or identifying information such as, but not limited to, names, addresses, phone numbers, work information, imagery, etc. Accounts must not impersonate other people or users. Offensive user names, bios, avatars, and banners will be removed. This typically is just an extension of our current rules against various forms of bigotry. Graphic and overtly sexual conversations should not be had in public spaces . It’s not something we want minors stumbling onto, so keep it private. This does not give any allowance to images, that would otherwise not be allowed, to be shared or linked to in these private conversations. Spoilers: All spoilers should be contained within spoiler tags and state what work they are a spoiler of . Spam Any posts or statuses deemed as spam by a mod will be removed. Some examples of what may be considered spam are below. Please note this is not an allencompassing list: Copypastas. Posts made to be excessively long by including purposeless content or padding. Repeated posts of the same or similar message with little value or the intent to annoy . Making many posts in a short time span. Sending the same message to many people. Pinging an excessive amount of people. Don't make accounts solely for posting unless permission has been given by a member of staff. Do not repost activity to skew the home page feed. Advertising: Any unsolicited text intended specifically to promote/generate traffic to external websites will be removed. Occasional status posts to share one's blogs, videos, twitters, chat servers, etc are not a violation of this rule. However, more platformed portions of the site, such as reviews and forum threads, will have lower tolerances for what is permitted and should not be used for advertising one's own work in nearly any way. An exception can be granted to users who create something related to AniList. Please use the Content Creators General thread if you've like to show off something you've created. General: Do not abuse AniList systems or features . While users are permitted to create plugins/extensions that modify various aspects of the sites , such extensions must follow the following rules: They should not interfere with general expected use of site features. Should not obfuscate what is and isn’t allowed on AniList, such as removing any links to the rules on the site. Should not interfere with site advertisements. Must comply with API Terms of use. Must use a uniquely identifiable header per plugin for API requests. Should not create large amounts of API requests or create exceptionally longrunning API requests. Should not interfere with or degrade the value of donatoronly features. Should not allow shared custom scripts or advanced custom styling that may allow for XSS, compromised authentication, personal data leaking, or other vulnerabilities. Should not allow shared unrestricted custom styling that may interfere with normal use of the site . Should not have noticeably adverse effects on the clientside performance or general loading times of the site. If you share fanart of any kind, make sure you post the source of the art. An exception to this is that a source does not need to be stated for user’s avatars or banners. In the event that the source is no longer available please state such when posting. Reverse image search engines, such as can be helpful in finding an original upload. Some examples where users typically share fanart on the site: Status posts and replies Forum threads and forum posts A user’s ‘About Me’ In ‘Event Badges’ AI generated images are not permitted to be shared on the site. If AI imagery is shared with the intent of commentary of some sort then this will typically be allowed at moderator's discretion. **Link shorteners** are not allowed. Please use markdown instead. Do not post **excessively fast flashing colors** or imagery without hiding them behind spoiler tags and tagging them appropriately. Claiming other people's work as your own is not allowed. This may include, but is not limited to, art, videos, and posts. **Ban evasion** is not permitted and will typically result in an even harsher restriction being placed on your account. Some examples of behavior that may be considered as “ban evasion”, this list is not allinclusive: Using an alternative account to perform the limited actions. Having another user send messages in your stead. Misusing any AniList functions to circumvent the restrictions. Forum Guidelines Language: For now, all new threads and replies should be in English apart from a single general discussion thread for other languages. Titles: Please don't post thread titles all in caps. Quality Titles: Thread titles should be descriptive and accurate to the thread's content. Users should be able to get a general understanding of the thread by its title alone. Forum thread titles should be free of spoilers. All forum tags should be relevant to the thread. Thread quality: Refrain from posting “Where can I find/watch/read...?” threads. Recommendation threads should be as specific as possible and replies should be relevant. If you are just wanting titles that are similar to a specific entry, please refer to the recommendation section on an entries page. Threads should have a clear purpose for existing and aim to incite meaningful discussion. Threads with little meaning should be posted as activity posts instead. Such threads can include, but are not limited to: Arbitrary “this or that” threads. Onesided threads. Threads made just for ranting or to incite anger/troll others. Hyperspecific threads that aren’t meaningfully different from other already existing threads. Questionnaire/survey threads. Duplicates/Spam: Duplicate topics will be removed or merged with an already existing thread – use the search function before posting, and if a thread about your topic exists, please post in the existing thread instead of making a new one. Likewise, do not post in an existing thread solely for the intention of reviving it, otherwise known as “necroing”. Posting in inactive threads is allowed, so long as it adds meaningful discourse and continues the discussion. Please edit posts instead of successive posting when possible. Spoilers: All spoilers on the forums should be contained within spoiler tags unless it is within an episode discussion thread where spoilers for that episode and previous episodes are allowed. Foreign Language Threads Filipino Spanish/Español Portuguese/Português Italian/Italiano Arabic/العربية French/Français Romanian/Română Japanese/日本語 Ukranian/українська German/Deutsch Russian/русский Indonesian Hungarian/Magyar Polish/Polski Reviews Completed Works Animated works, manga, light novels, etc should have finished releasing except for the following exceptions: The work must have been releasing for at least two years. or A work may be reviewed if it has stopped releasing for at least 6 months and does not have any official announcement on it continuing. Dropped Works Reviews of works that users have dropped are permitted, in the event that they have seen/read at least 75% of it, rounding up. Reviews of dropped works must follow the other rules with regards to currently releasing titles. Spoilers: If your review contains spoilers, either preface the review with a warning or use spoiler tags. Review length: The minimum character count is there for a reason, do not pad your review to reach it. Plagiarism: Only post reviews that were written by yourself, plagiarised reviews will be deleted and may lead to a review ban. This includes using AI to generate/assist in writing reviews. Basic grammar: Please try to follow basic grammar rules. There's no need for it to be perfect, but the average user shouldn't have to struggle to understand your review. Images: Images should only be used if they support the text in some way. Fanart is not to be used in reviews. Review Quality: Do not comment on fans of a work or detractors of a work, in either a positive or negative fashion. Do not simply summarize the work. Do not criticize the score or popularity of the work. Do not advertise any links that are not directly relevant to the text of the review. The review should be a review of that specific work and not for other related works. An exception can be made if its for a work that is released in a split cour schedule or some other delayed release. You are welcome to reference another review you have posted on AniList to help elaborate on some beliefs in your review. Discord While not all the above guidelines will be implemented in discord, common sense and good etiquette should be used. Refer to the **Welcome** channel on the discord for a full rule list. Any users causing trouble can face temporary bans which can be a day to much longer, with it becoming permanent if justified. Data Submissions Submission Manual: Create New Anime: Create New Manga/Light Novel: New Characters and Staff can only be created through the anime and manga forms' Character and Staff subpages. This is the same whether you are submitting a new entry or editing an existing one. Existing anime and manga entries can be edited using the edit button at the bottom left of their page. Existing staff and character entries can be edited using the edit icon button at the top right of their page Please only contact moderators to ask for questions or advice, not to ask them to add entire entries for you. You can contact a member of the team on Discord. Alternatively, you can message a data moderator from the moderator page. A submissionssupport channel in the Discord is now open.
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AWC: Gambler's Challenge 3
150 Gambler’s Challenge 3.0 80% I hear you like random anime. To keep the excitement up and the experience more focused, we just give you only anime using my favourite genres Wait ?. That doesn't make sense for your challenge... Let me check if we can do something about that. Oh I see, we are in luck: the newest firmware upgrade to our beloved @AWCBotchan includes the usage of “genre coins”. With that you can select which genres will be used. Hope your dice are still loaded. Third time's the charm. 40% **Rune Balot from Mardock Scramble: The First Compression** Badge designed by caiyune **Rewards:** 2 Challenge Points & Badge Reply to this thread with your selected genres and @AWCBotchan will generate 33 random anime for you To include a genre write “+Genre” in your message, to exclude it write “Genre”You must include exactly 3 genresYou can exclude up to 3 genresYou should spell the genre exactly as on AniList , otherwise you might confuse poor @AWCbotchanFor example, a valid reply would be “+Mahou Shoujo +Sports +SciFi Music Action”If your message is not valid @AWCBotchan will not reply You must **choose any 20** of these to watch It may take up to 24 hours for the bot to reply to you You need to to state exactly 3 genres you want to be included and up to 3 genres you want to be excluded You will not receive any hentai , music videos, or anime you have already completed AWCBotchan may decide you should give an anime you have dropped or paused a second chanceYou **must** start over and rewatch it from the first episode if you decide to use it as one of your 20 anime AWCBotchan does her best to select anime that you can start without needing to have seen other shows firstFor example, you will not receive sequel or prequel relations that aired after an anime if you haven’t seen the original Note that not all of your anime picks will be available to watch with subtitles, which is why you only need to watch 20/33 of them Just like gambling, you're stuck with the hand you’re dealt Deleting your comment and reentering the challenge won’t change your anime If you’re not able to source at least 20 of them, or you’ve received an anime that you think you shouldn’t have, then please open a Support Ticket in our Discord server, or post a message to our FAQ thread AWCBotchan is rather shy and doesn't like to be messaged, and is prone not to read fan mail, so please don't message her directly The anime you watch must be correctly logged on AniList to countTo log watched episodes, set an anime to watching and increment the episodes via the Anime In Progress panel on the AniList home pageAn activity showing the episodes as watched will appear in your feed. For movies and anime with only 1 episode, the activity will show the anime as completed. You cannot use speed watching to complete this challenge There is no time limit to complete this challenge Gambler’s Challenge 3.0 does not replace any other Gambler’s Challenge. You do not need to enter or complete any of the previous Gambler’s Challenges Your watching activity must be visible on your profile — This includes all episode progress and an activity showing each anime as completed Your activity must include the start and end dates, which can be added in the AniList List Editor Your profile must be set to public so we can verify your anime list and activity How To Enter The Challenge Post a comment in this thread to enter the challenge. @AWCBotchan will reply to you with a selection of 33 random anime based on your genre preferences You should update your entry comment to include the 20 anime you choose to watch The date you post the entry comment is your challenge start dateYou can keep track of your progress through editing your comment here, or update it when you are finished **Gambler’s Challenge 3.0 Code** You **must use the challenge code we have provided** for your challenge entryYou should only change the text in red to add the information for your challengeYou can still customise and personalise your challenge entry in the ways described belowFor more information about personalising your entry, please read our Challenge Code Update post **The anime picks you choose must be placed in numerical order** All dates **must** use the YYYYMMDD formatThese dates must match the dates in your list editor and your profile activities All requirement numbers must use a 01 format You may use either title links or preview cards for requirementsThese should always be placed alone on the next line after the requirement textTitle links are provided by default in the code and can be included using the format: AnimeTitlePreview cards will be automatically generated by simply including a link to the anime or manga: animelinkYou must use title links for hentai and adult anime, even if the rest of your challenge uses preview cards When additional information is required, you must use // to separate the information as shown in the challenge codeYou should not add any extra new lines or include any more than the required informationDo not place any information inside a spoiler tag: if an image or screenshot is requested, you must include it as a link You can change the status indicators to any symbols or emojis of your choiceThe status indicator must be located between the requirement number and requirement textYou must use different symbols or emojis for each status, if they are too similar then your submission may be delayed or rejectedThe status indicators must be noted in the legend located in the header of your postYou may add additional statuses to the legend, such as "Watching" or "Rewatched" You can change the size of text, center it, make it bold, italicized, or strikethrough itEach requirement number must be the first thing on their line, so do not add any formatting options directly before them You may customise the header of the challenge code as long as it includes the same informationThe header is the section above the first in your entry comment, before the actual requirementsFor example, you may wish to add a challenge banner, anime graphics or other visual elements You may customise the footer of the challenge code in any way you likeThe footer is an optional section below the requirements in your final reply onlyYou should include a to separate out your footer, if one is not already present in the codeFor example, the footer can be used to personalise your entry with more graphics, links to your other challenges or your favourite anime from each year Submitting a Completed Challenge When you have fulfilled all of the requirements for a challenge, make sure your entry comment has been completely updated and then post a link to your finished challenge in the Challenge Submission Thread An AWC Staff member will check your challenge to ensure that you have followed the rules and requirements correctly. If you have completed the challenge successfully, you will receive a profile message from them, including any rewards. If not, you will receive a reply to your submission with any changes that you may need to make Only submissions via the AniList forum will be accepted. This means submissions via Discord, spreadsheets or other documents will not be reviewed Help & Recommendations Please head over to the AWC Discord if you need any help with this challenge or would like some recommendations from our lovely community members <3 All AWC Challenges Challenge Code AWC Discord AWC Profile About AWC FAQ Post Submission Thread Recruitment Thread Community Lists Thread Discussion & Suggestions If you are having a difficult time finding an anime to watch for this challenge, please feel free to ask us on Discord, ask in our Challenge Discussion Thread, or post a message to our FAQ Thread. **Credits**
Guess The Anime: Spring 2024
100% Welcome back to Guess The Anime Whether you're a seasoned veteran or new to the event, join in on the fun and see how well you can do. With various handselected screenshots from current season anime, there's something for everyone to enjoy How this Event Works For those new to the event, here's how it works: we'll provide you with a screenshot from a seasonal anime, and you'll have to guess which anime it's from. It's easy choose the correct answer and earn one point. But be warned, the more you play, the harder the images will get. Your total score and rank will be based on your performance, so try your best and see if you can rise to the top of the leaderboard Link to the leaderboard: To Participate To participate, comment on this thread, and our bot will DM you with a screenshot and four options. All you have to do is reply to the DM with the answer you think is correct . The bot will let you know if you're correct and award you points based on your performance. You can check your rank on the leaderboard anytime by visiting the link. Fine Details Keep a few rules and details in mind as you play. You'll only have two minutes to respond to the DM with your guess, but don't worry you won't lose any points if you don't reply in time. You can only guess once per image; the bot will ignore any additional guesses. Every other day, upon your fifth and final attempt, you will get an extreme difficulty image. The image would be a composite of two screenshots from two different anime. Like regular GTA images, you need to guess what two anime the images are from. To answer, you must use the two letters corresponding to the anime . The order of the letters does not matter. However, unlike normal GTA images, you will receive two points for every successful guess. You may only request to participate once every 3 minutes to ensure everyone has a fair chance. This is being done to comply with AniList's rate limit on comments / DMs. You will not be able to participate more than five times per day. The **maximum** number of guesses you can do is 35. Additionally, the more you participate, the harder the images will get. Duration The event will only last for **10 Days**, starting from **July 20th to July 29th at 23:59 UTC**. You can keep guessing 5 images per day for 7 days straight, or guess whenever you’re free till you reach the maximum of 35 guesses, whichever comes first Prizes As for prizes, we've got you covered with our *** great *** badges our beloved events team made The badge you receive will be determined by the number of points you've gathered. If you earn at least 10 points, you'll receive the **Noob Badge**. If you earn at least 20 points, you'll receive the **Intermediate Badge**. If you earn at least 30 points, you'll receive the **Expert Badge**. If you rank near the top of the leaderboard, you might even be in for a special prize... But even if you don't want our badges, feel free to dominate the leaderboard just for fun 24% 24% 24% 24%
AWC: Tarot Zodiac Challenge
150 Zodiac III: Tarot Challenge 80% 40% 40% **Nozomi Toujou from Love Live & Elias Ainsworth from Mahoutsukai no Yome** Badges designed by skirider7 and caiyune **Rewards:** Badges & 3 Challenge Points **Upright Fortune:** 1 Challenge Point & Badge **Reverse Fortune:** 1 Challenge Point & Badge **Completed Deck:** 1 Challenge Point Discover your anime fortune Watch an anime for each of the tarot cards of the Major ArcanaEach card comes in an Upright or Reverse mode, which determines your anime fortuneKeep repeating the challenge to complete all 22 of the Upright tarot cards to earn the Upright badge and complete all 22 of the Reverse tarot cards to earn the Reverse badge To enter, simply post a comment in this thread... @AWCBotchan will read your anime fortune and reply to your entry with 3 random Tarot cardsEach tarot card has an associated requirement that you must fulfil in order to complete the challengeOnce you have fulfilled these 3 requirements, post a link to your challenge entry in the Submissions Thread After successfully completing your tarot card requirements, you can receive a new fortune and a new set of cards by commenting in the challenge thread againDo not make a new entry until you have received confirmation that you have successfully completed your previous entry, as this will invalidate your new entryBe sure to post a new comment when you enter again, and not a reply to a previous entry, as only new comments can be used as valid entriesYou will receive a different fortune and a different set of cards each time you enter **You can repeat the challenge** until you have received all of the tarot cards and earned both badgesYou will receive an additional challenge point for completing the entire tarot deck — your fortune is then in your own hands Runtime: Each anime must be a **minimum of 60 minutes**You can calculate the runtime of completed anime by multiplying the episode duration by the number of episodesYou do not need to complete the Zodiac I: Chinese Zodiac Challenge or the Zodiac II: Western Zodiac Challenge to enter this challengeThe anime you watch must be correctly logged on AniList to countTo log watched episodes, set an anime to watching and increment the episodes via the Anime In Progress panel on the AniList home pageAn activity showing the episodes as watched or completed will appear in your feedYou can use any number of anime from other challenges as long as they allow sharingYou cannot rewatch anime for this challengeYou cannot use anime you started watching or completed before entering this challengeYou cannot use the same anime to fulfil multiple requirements within this challengeYou cannot use speed watching to complete this challenge There is no time limit to complete this challengeYour watching activity must be visible on your profile — This includes all episode progress and an activity showing each anime as completedYour activity must include the start and end dates, which can be added in the AniList List EditorYour profile must be set to public so we can verify your anime list and activity **00U The Fool**: Watch an anime with the tag “Coming of Age” or “Chuunibyou” **00R Reverse Fool**: Watch an anime with your lowest rated genreProvide a screenshot of your genre stats page sorted by Mean ScoreIf you do not rate anime, you can sort by Time Watched insteadIf your least favourite is Hentai, you may use your second lowest rated genre **01U The Magician**: Watch an anime with the tag “Magic” or “Cultivation” **01R Reverse Magician**: Watch an anime with the genre “Action” and the tag “Ninja” or “Espionage” **02U The Priestess**: Watch an anime with the tag “Shrine Maiden” or “Office Lady” **02R Reverse Priestess**: Watch an anime with the genre “Music” that does not have the tag “Idol” **03U The Empress**: Watch an anime with the tag “Found Family” or “Family Life” **03R Reverse Empress**: Watch an anime with the genre “Slice of Life” that does not have the tag “Cute Girls Doing Cute Things” **04U The Emperor**: Watch an anime with the tag “Guns” or “Super Power” **04R Reverse Emperor**: Watch an anime with the genre “SciFi” and the tag “PostApocalyptic” or “War” **05U The Hierophant**: Watch an anime with the tag “Historical” or “Religion” **05R Reverse Hierophant**: Watch an anime with the genre “Mystery” and at least 3 spoiler tagsDo not reveal the tags to yourself until after completing the animeDo not state the tags **06U The Lovers**: Watch an anime with the tag “Yuri” or “Boys’ Love” **06R Reverse Lovers**: Watch an anime with the genre “Romance” and the tag “Love Triangle” **07U The Chariot**: Watch an anime with the tag “Police” or “Fugitive” **07R Reverse Chariot**: Watch an anime with the genre “Sports” and any tag from the “Theme / OtherVehicle” categoryTag categories can be viewed in the Advanced Genre & Tag Filter which can be accessed from the right side menu on AniList’s Browse pageState the tag **08U Justice**: Watch an anime with the tag “Detective” or “Philosophy” **08R Reverse Justice**: Watch an anime with the genre “Drama” and the tag “Conspiracy” **09U The Hermit**: Watch an anime with the tag “Denpa” or “Hikikomori” **09R Reverse Hermit**: Watch an anime with the genre “Supernatural” and the tag “Vampire” or “Necromancy” **10U Wheel of Fortune**: Watch an anime with the tag “Gods” or “Gambling” **10R Reverse Wheel of Fortune**: Watch an anime with the tag “Cosmic Horror” **11U Strength**: Watch an anime with the tag “Martial Arts” or “LGBTQ+ Themes” **11R Reverse Strength**: Watch an anime with the genre “Mecha” and the tag “Kaiju” or “Dystopian” **12U The Hanged Man**: Watch an anime with the tag “Body Horror” or “Death Game” **12R Reverse Hanged Man**: Watch an anime with the genre “Psychological” and the tag “Gore” or “Dissociative Identities” **13U Death**: Watch an anime with the tag “Skeleton” or “Isekai” **13R Reverse Death**: Watch an anime with your highest rated genre and a mean score of 60% or lessProvide a screenshot of your genre stats page sorted by Mean ScoreIf you do not rate anime, you can sort by Time Watched instead **14U Temperance**: Watch an anime with the tag “Environmental” or “Alchemy” **14R Reverse Temperance**: Watch an anime with the genre “Ecchi” and any of the tags: “Female Harem”, “Male Harem” or “Mixed Gender Harem” **15U The Devil**: Watch an anime with the tag “Demons” or “Slavery” **15R Reverse Devil**: Watch an anime with the genre “Horror” and any tag from the Monster Challenge **16U The Tower**: Watch an anime with the tag “Battle Royale” or “Lost Civilization” **16R Reverse Tower**: Watch an anime with the genre “Fantasy” and the tag “Survival” or “Dungeon” **17U The Star**: Watch an anime with the tag “Iyashikei” or “Rehabilitation” **17R Reverse Star**: Watch an anime with the genre “Adventure” and the tag “Ensemble Cast” or “Delinquents” **18U The Moon**: Watch an anime with the tag “Mythology” or “Shapeshifting” **18R Reverse Moon**: Watch an anime with the genre “Mahou Shoujo” and the tag “Urban Fantasy” or “Tragedy” **19U The Sun**: Watch an anime with your highest rated tag or second highest rated tagProvide a screenshot of your tag stats page sorted by Mean ScoreIf you do not rate anime, you can sort by Time Watched instead **19R Reverse Sun**: Watch an anime with the genre “Comedy” that does not have any tags from the “Theme / Comedy” categoryTag categories can be viewed in the Advanced Genre & Tag Filter which can be accessed from the right side menu on AniList’s Browse page **20U Judgement**: Watch an anime with the tag “Yandere” or “Revenge” **20R Reverse Judgement**: Watch an anime with the tag “School” and “Tsundere” **21U The World**: Watch an anime with the tag “Travel” or “Time Manipulation” **21R Reverse World**: Watch an anime with the genre “Thriller” that has a sequel relation **22 The Origin**: Watch an anime How To Enter The Challenge Post a comment in this thread to enter the challenge. @AWCBotchan will reply to you with 3 random requirements and the code that you should use Your entry comment should include all 3 requirements The date you post the entry comment is your challenge start dateYou can keep track of your progress through editing your comment here, or update it when you are finished You **must use the challenge code AWCBotchan provides to you** for your challenge entryYou should copy it into your entry comment and add the information for your challengeDo not edit the main text of the requirements or change the order of any required informationYou can still customise and personalise your challenge entry in the ways described belowFor more information about personalising your entry, please read our Challenge Code Update post All dates **must** use the YYYYMMDD formatThese dates must match the dates in your list editor and your profile activities All requirement numbers must use a 00U, 00R or 00 format You may use either title links or preview cards for requirementsThese should always be placed alone on the next line after the requirement textTitle links are provided by default in the code and can be included using the format: AnimeTitlePreview cards will be automatically generated by simply including a link to the anime or manga: animelinkYou must use title links for hentai and adult anime, even if the rest of your challenge uses preview cards When additional information is required, you must use // to separate the information as shown in the challenge codeYou should not add any extra new lines or include any more than the required informationDo not place any information inside a spoiler tag: if an image or screenshot is requested, you must include it as a link You can change the status indicators to any symbols or emojis of your choiceThe status indicator must be located between the requirement number and requirement textYou must use different symbols or emojis for each status, if they are too similar then your submission may be delayed or rejectedThe status indicators must be noted in the legend located in the header of your postYou may add additional statuses to the legend, such as “Watching” or “Rewatched” You can change the size of text, center it, make it bold, italicized, or strikethrough itEach requirement number must be the first thing on their line, so do not add any formatting options directly before them You may customise the header of the challenge code as long as it includes the same informationThe header is the section above the first in your entry comment, before the actual requirementsFor example, you may wish to add a challenge banner, anime graphics or other visual elements You may customise the footer of the challenge code in any way you likeThe footer is an optional section below the requirements in your final reply onlyYou should include a to separate out your footer, if one is not already present in the codeFor example, the footer can be used to personalise your entry with more graphics, links to your other challenges or your previous tarot fortunes Submitting a Completed Challenge When you have fulfilled all of the requirements for a challenge, make sure your entry comment has been completely updated and then post a link to your finished challenge in the Challenge Submission Thread An AWC Staff member will check your challenge to ensure that you have followed the rules and requirements correctly. If you have completed the challenge successfully, you will receive a profile message from them, including any rewards. If not, you will receive a reply to your submission with any changes that you may need to make Only submissions via the AniList forum will be accepted. This means submissions via Discord, spreadsheets or other documents will not be reviewed Help & Recommendations Please head over to the AWC Discord if you need any help with this challenge or would like some recommendations from our lovely community members
Pick an anime from the above user's list and they'll reply with their favourite OST from it
As the title says. As a reply, you can provide a YT link to the OST if it's there on YT. Just to make it clear that OP/ED are not counted as OST. Insert songs are fine as long as they were part of the soundtrack release. Start with me
Release Discussion Threads View All
[Spoilers] Dungeon People - Episode 4 Discussion Thread
Fun lighthearted episode today Nice that we got some more background story for the dad. Loving those in universe explanations 660 Thats her biggest worry lol 660 I would be scared to death. 660
Pseudo Harem - Episode 4 Discussion
It's that time of the week again Funny episode today, it feels like the story moves along quite quickly. 660 Best girl. 660 Cute : 660 I also picked up the first chapters of the manga and if I am not mistaken, they could go for a full Adaption in one season right? Since the chapters are so short and there are only like 130. Maybe if they cut some parts.
I Parry Everything - Episode 4 Discussion
Can't wait for him to find out just how OP he actually is But I'm not gonna lie this is getting a little bit absurd just how everything is somehow magically making him unable to understand how powerful he is
[Spoilers] Atri: My Dear Moments - Episode 2 Discussion
Atri sure can dance, is that where all her high performance went? :'D The very last scene felt like the start of some serious drama...
Newly Created Threads View All
I have completed sex
Kinda bad, expected something better after all I've heard.
MRC: Akira Toriyama Collection Challenge
150 Akira Toriyama: Manga Collection Challenge 80% Growing up during the 80’s or even being remotely close to any pop culture during the years from then up until now, you inevitably would come across Dragon Ball, and by extension the author, Akira Toriyama. It cannot be understated the impact Akira has had on the manga and Shounen landscape after the success of Dragon Ball. Being a fan of and drawing inspiration from Hong Kong martial arts films featuring Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan, he went on to create the fourth best selling manga of all time. Even though creating one of the major series of Jump, he was known as a shy and reserved person who disliked interviews. It is through autobiographical elements in the cover flaps of his manga that you may learn about his life. He had a great passion for scale models, often focusing his attention on these, rather than drawing. During his life, he created over 40 manga series and claims that he outgrew manga and anime when he was 11 years old, after which he shifted his interest to movies. Akira gained minor success with the publishing of the oneshot Tomato, Girl Detective in 1979, which gave him some hope to continue drawing. Less than a year later, his first major success, Dr. Slump, started releasing in Weekly Shounen Jump. During this time, he created several short stories, notably Pola & Roid in 1981 and Pink in 1982. Following Dr. Slump came the acclaimed Dragon Ball, loosely based on the classic Chinese novel Journey to the West. Starting off in a similar comical tone, such as Dr. Slump, it then transformed into a nearlypure fighting manga as time progressed. After almost 11 years of continuously publishing Dragon Ball, Akira asked to let him end the manga, in order to take some new steps in life. This did not stop the Dragon Ball train as the anime picked up where Akira stopped, with the airing of Dragon Ball GT. He continued to release short stories, such as Mr. Ho and Karamaru and the Perfect Day. Akira also started dipping his toe in character designing after his editor, Kazuhiko Torishima recruited him for the 1986 RPG Dragon Quest. After Dragon Ball, he kept drawing short stories, including Cowa, Kajika and Sand Land. Akira also kept up his character design work for titles such as Chrono Trigger and Blue Dragon. In 2005, CQ Motors began selling an electric car design by Akira, called QVOLT, in which only 9 were produced. Later on, Akira returned to Dragon Ball, creating Jaco the Galactic Patrolman to celebrate the 45th anniversary of Weekly Shounen Jump. He also wrote the original script for the movie Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection 'F'. His final contribution to Dragon Ball was a page featuring Piccolo departing at the end of chapter 103 of Dragon Ball Super, and waving back at the reader. After Toriyama’s untimely death in March of 2024, much international love and condolences were shared, including the French President at the time, foreign ministries of China and El Salvador and several Mexican voice actors who dubbed Dragon Ball characters. 40% **Arale Norimaki from Dr. Slump** Badge designed by SEGURIDA **Rewards:** Badge & 1 Challenge Point AWC has selected 10 manga entries that we feel showcase Akira Toriyama’s best workComplete all 10 manga in the collection to earn the badge You can use any number of manga you have already completedYou can use any number of manga from other challengesYou can read the manga in any orderThere is no time limit to complete this challenge Your activity must include the start and end dates, which can be added in the AniList List EditorProvide an estimate and make a note in your post if you do not recall the exact date you previously completed a manga. You may use the date you joined AniList or imported your list Your profile must be set to public so we can verify your manga list and activity **1** **2** **3** **4** **5** **6** **7** **8** **9** **10** How To Enter The Challenge Post a comment in this thread to enter the challenge. Use the code we have provided below Your entry comment should include all 10 requirementsThe date you post the entry comment is your challenge start dateYou can keep track of your progress through editing your comment here, or update it when you are finished **Akira Toriyama Manga Collection Challenge Code** You **must use the challenge code we have provided** for your challenge entryYou should only change the text in red to add the information for your challengeYou can still customise and personalise your challenge entry in the ways described belowFor more information about personalising your entry, please read our Challenge Code Update post All dates **must** use the YYYYMMDD formatThese dates must match the dates in your list editor and your profile activities All requirement numbers must use a 01 format You may use either title links or preview cards for requirementsThese should always be placed alone on the next line after the requirement textTitle links are provided by default in the code and can be included using the format: AnimeTitlePreview cards will be automatically generated by simply including a link to the anime or manga: animelinkYou must use title links for hentai and adult anime, even if the rest of your challenge uses preview cardsNote: Romaji titles are used for the requirement text and should not be changed When additional information is required, you must use // to separate the information as shown in the challenge codeYou should not add any extra new lines or include any more than the required informationDo not place any information inside a spoiler tag: if an image or screenshot is requested, you must include it as a link You can change the status indicators to any symbols or emojis of your choiceThe status indicator must be located between the requirement number and requirement textYou must use different symbols or emojis for each status, if they are too similar then your submission may be delayed or rejectedThe status indicators must be noted in the legend located in the header of your postYou may add additional statuses to the legend, such as "Reading" or "Reread" You can change the size of text, center it, make it bold, italicized, or strikethrough itEach requirement number must be the first thing on their line, so do not add any formatting options directly before them You may customise the header of the challenge code as long as it includes the same informationThe header is the section above the first in your entry comment, before the actual requirementsFor example, you may wish to add a challenge banner, anime graphics or other visual elements You may customise the footer of the challenge code in any way you likeThe footer is an optional section below the requirements in your entry commentYou should include a to separate out your footer, if one is not already present in the codeFor example, the footer can be used to personalise your entry with more graphics, links to your other challenges or your favourite anime from the collection Submitting a Completed Challenge When you have fulfilled all of the requirements for a challenge, make sure your entry comment has been completely updated and then post a link to your finished challenge in the Challenge Submission Thread An AWC Staff member will check your challenge to ensure that you have followed the rules and requirements correctly. If you have completed the challenge successfully, you will receive a profile message from them, including any rewards. If not, you will receive a reply to your submission with any changes that you may need to make. Only submissions via the AniList forum will be accepted. This means submissions via Discord, spreadsheets or other documents will not be reviewed. Help & Recommendations Please head over to the AWC Discord if you need any help with this challenge or would like some recommendations from our lovely community members.
custom anime figures?
i was curious if anyone knows any artists that take commissions for custom anime figures? i was looking around and theres a character that i love that doesnt have a figure so i figured that i could commission them instead
[Spoilers] Beat & Motion - Chapter 36 Discussion
Well, it's a pity we don't get to see any of the other entries , but the important part in all of this was Tatsuhiko recognising the hard work he put in and getting the chance to appreciate the art he'd created