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Wangu Kuang Di

The story revolves around Chu Kuangsheng, the son of Patriarch Chu in the remote Shiyang town within the Shenlong Empire. Born weak and unable to train, Chu Kuangsheng becomes the laughingstock of the entire town. However, after inheriting the ancestral technique of the Chu family during an ambush, he rebuilds his damaged meridians and rapidly progresses in his training. Despite appearing weak on the surface, he has another identity—the renowned Kuangzun in the martial world. Chu Kuangsheng discovers a collusion within the Chu clan related to his parents’ disappearance, and he uses his hidden identity to secretly gather strength and information. With one face and two identities, he battles against heroes and becomes a ma...

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The story revolves around Chu Kuangsheng, the son of Patriarch Chu in the remote Shiyang town within the Shenlong Empire. Born weak and unable to train, Chu Kuangsheng becomes the laughingstock of the entire town. However, after inheriting the ancestral technique of the Chu family during an ambush, he rebuilds his damaged meridians and rapidly progresses in his training. Despite appearing weak on the surface, he has another identity—the renowned Kuangzun in the martial world. Chu Kuangsheng discovers a collusion within the Chu clan related to his parents’ disappearance, and he uses his hidden identity to secretly gather strength and information. With one face and two identities, he battles against heroes and becomes a master.

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