
Another masterlevel player he does not featured largely in the series until Volume 6. Capri the player who mentioned him earlier and a good friend of IlBan also referred to how IlBan helped him out earlier on in the game contradicting his title quotDark Priest of the Dragon Landsquot and his physical appearance he is menacing looking with an inverted cross on his forehead. IlBan later explains what constitutes a Dark Priest when he resurrects Rapha as a Night Shade a spirittype monster. IlBan is intimate with the workings and events of the game and may have connections to the company. He also met with Alpha during a flashback and is the one who dubbed him a ranger. He hesitates to attack monsters during the quest to kill monsters and knows the inner workings of the game before they happen. He is very intelligent and can easily hold his own in a fight even though his character is not very strong.