Hiyori Sarugaki

Birthday:Aug 1
Height: 133 cm 44 Position: Shinigami Visored Lieutenant of the 12th Division Former Hiyori Sarugaki is a former lieutenant of the 12th Division under captains Kirio Hikifune and Kisuke Urahara. She viewed Hikifune as a mother figure and thus initially refused to accept Urahara as her replacement. Hiyori is a tiny blondehaired girl with a fierce temper and violent tendencies. Her hair is worn in pigtails and she wears a red jogging outfit decorated with the first kanji of her name saru meaning quotmonkeyquot. She also has a tiny fang on the left side of her mouth. Hiyori often abuses Shinji Hirako usually by slapping him with one of her sandals or using him as a human shield when necessary. This behavior dates back to her time as a lieutenant despite the fact that Shinji outranked her then.