Guido Mista

Birthday:Dec 3, 1982
Blood Type:B
Height: 182cm Nationality: Italian Stand: Sex Pistols Mista is one of the heroes of part 5 a part of Brunos gang. When he was younger he had a runin with a group of gangsters and was shot at. All of the gangsters shots missed and that is where he saw an opportunity to pick up a gun take aim and shoot them all in the head. He was sentenced to prison for the rest of teenage years and was eventually bailed out by Bucciarati and passed Polpos test. Guido tends to use a revolver as his firearm and believes the number 4 is unlucky due to events from his childhood and the character for 4 in Japanese sounds similar to the word quotdiequot. Sex Pistols is a stand composed of Six bullet like quotpeoplequot living inside a gun numbered from 1 to 7 with no number 4. Guido can control the bullets to hit any direction and can do tasks when instructed to. Each quotpersonquot has different personalities love to eat if not fed they will not work. It is very similar to Hol Horses The Emperor.