Char Aznable
シャア・アズナブル, The Red Comet, Edward Mass, Casval Rem Deikun
Quattro Bajeena
Birthday:Nov 17
Age:20 (0079), 27 (0087), 33 (0093)
Birthyear: UC 0059
Char is one of the most feared pilots of the Principality of Zeon. During his first battle at Loum Char was able to destroy five Federation Salamisclass ships on his own. He was given the title of Red Comet for his fast movements and his red colored Zaku II. Char had been following the White Base crew throughout the One Year War U.C. 0079. He met with Amuro several times and engaged in many of the most epic battles in Mobile Suit warfare history.
During the One Year War Char used predominantly red mobile suits. After the War between the Zeon and the Federation Char joined the AEUG