Ohma Tokita

十鬼蛇王馬, The Asura
Birthday:May 2
Having grown up in the lawless territory known as The Inside the young Ohma was found and adopted by Tokita Niko who taught him his style of martial arts the Niko Style. Ohma is a man of aboveaverage height and has an extremely athletic build. His most notable trait is his mop of messy dark hair that has been compared to seaweed. In addition Ohma possesses a narrow gaze that exudes both confidence and general indifference. Ohma is a rough yet wellmeaning individual. He was initially rather arrogant which often surfaced whenever he fought. During his fights he was condescending and often belittled and provoked his opponents. A defining trait of Ohma is his lust for battle ever eager to fight against those who are strong. Despite this love for fighting he will not fight those that refuse to fight him. Such was the case when Kazuo and his son had done so on separate occasions. That being said he was also shorttempered and can be quite violent. He was willing to physically assault Hideki Nogi his employer when the latter refused to make him Nogi Groups representative fighter before being stopped by Sen Hatsumi.