Shizu Shidou

Birthday:Mar 4
Blood Type:A
Height: 160.6 cm Shizu is Mariyas twin sister. She attends an all boys school which was also run by the exchairman. She has a similar hatred/fear of males and had similar experiences as Kanako who she affectionately calls Kanachan. Unlike Mariya she appears to actually be the kind innocent girl that Mariya attempts to portray. She is also quick to get her feelings hurt as well. The agreement for the competition was the loser would be chosen if someone found out from either school Kanako thinking Shizu was Mariya mentioned Mariyas touching her which revealed to Shizu that Kanako knew Mariyas gender thus defining Mariya as the loser. Shizu had only went into the school to switch with Mariya for their schools physical examinations. However because Kanako found out Mariyas secret before she began attending the school it was null and because Kanako knew Shizus true gender ordinarily Mariya wouldve been claimed victor. But out of generosity Mariya chose to overlook it in favor of his twin sister. The only way to distinguish between Shizu and Mariya is by the mole under their eyes Mariyas is under his left eye while Shizus is under her right eye. Because of the switching with his brother her original name was Mariya instead. She is 160.6 cm tall which makes her marginally taller than Mariya and happens to be a sore point for him. The two siblings regularly compete not just in height and weight but in studies as well.