Suzuho Ueda

Birthday:Oct 26
Blood Type:O
Height: 156 cm Hometown: Fukuoka Prefecture Japan A funloving young entertainer who enjoys sewing and making people smile. Suzuho even doesnt mind having herself be the object people make fun of as long as people are laughing and smiling this makes her seem like one of the more selfless characters. Due to her costumes looking rather peculiar and resembling objects that arent typically idollike other idols complain theyre too hot and stuffy to perform with. Suzuho loves Americanstyle Halloween but admits that she doesnt like dressing as anime or manga characters. Her early handmade costumes tended to look a bit shoddy. She is shown having a great relationship with her grandmother and treasures her a lot it was also revealed that her grandma was the reason for Suzuho to start sewing back when she was still in her childhood.