Xerxes Break

ザークシーズ・ブレイク, Mad Hatter, Clown Kevin Regnard
Birthday:Sep 30
Blood Type:A
Height: 177.5 cm 510 Commonly known as Break he is a member of Pandora and a servant of the Rainsworth household. Breaks appearance does not change from the ten year gap between Oz entering and leaving the Abyss. He has a legal contract with the Mad Hatter. Break is often seen with a doll on his shoulder which he calls Emily. He adores sweets and cakes. From the outside Break seems like a carefree character never serious and always smiling. When needs be however Break shows his dangerous and evil side. Reim tells Oz that Break has not always been the way he is now. Before after losing his eye he was a bitter and angry person never smiling. However through the kindness of Shelly Sharons mother he began to open up. He has sworn absolute loyalty to Shelly. Break has no left eye. He reveals that the Will of the Abyss took it from him and that the Cheshire has it. Breaks true motive is to find the truth behind what happened 100 years ago. He hates Vincent with a passion.