Azusa Odagiri

An old friend of Hatsumi who has somewhat of a crush on him. They were very good friends when they were younger he always protected her from Ryoki. He is a popular model doing magazine work and TV commercials. He dates Hatsumi for a short period which ends when he reveals that its for revenge on Hatsumis father for supposedly having an affair with his nowdeceased mother. He also reveals that the only reason he is modeling is to earn money to hire a private investigator to find out who his mothers lover is so he can exact his revenge who turns out to be Hatsumis dad. He later engages in another investigation with Shinogu because Shinogu doubts it was Hatsumis father. They eventually find out he was just being paid to be a scapegoat so Ryokis dad the real lover could come out clean. Azusa pretended to love Hatsumi to get revenge on her Dad. In the end Azusa told Kazama that he was going to find a way to hurt Hatsumi and Ryokis relationship by getting Hatsumi and Shinogu together to get back at Ryokis father.he seems to have feelings for Hatsumi. From: Wikipedia