Shin Nemoto

Shin Nemoto is one of the Eight Expendables who works for Shie Hassaikai. Shins Quirk Confession allows him to force people to answer his questions with their true feeling. Shin appears to be a very cynic man as a result of the fact that he could never find anyone worthy of his trust and friendship thanks to his Quirk. He states that emotions are unnecessary to carry out objectives but it is unknown if he actually believes this or if it was just a way to demoralize Mirio Togata as he fought Overhaul. As Overhaul is the only truly sincere person hes ever met Shin is extremely devoted to him. Since he is granted knowledge about his bosss plans Shin holds himself in highesteem among the Eight Expendables viewing himself as special and the only one of the group worthy of walking alongside Overhaul. Shins loyalty to Overhaul is enough to make him follow his boss even after getting completely overwhelmed in battle.