Li Shuwen

李書文, Assasin, Demon Fist Master, Divine Spear Li, Captain of the Guard, Lancer, Royal Guard Chief, Massage Expert, Security Guard
A master of martial arts who fundamentally keeps the morality of the innate goodness of man but at same time also accepts evil. As a Servant Shuwens morality had deviated from the general common sense but his humanity itself is that of a sensible person that esteems rationality. He does not see great difference in justice and evil but if someones behavior offends his rationality he will bring swift and inevitable death. At a first glance this would seems as an act of chivalry but since the chivalry of China is pick up a sword out of passion his way of thinking is the exact opposite. Rather than rational Li Shuwens character is something better described as being close to that of modern people. Li Shuwen was someone who simply not purely sought for strength but it has been said that in his late years he discovered the valor of the strength of conviction ones way of life instead the strength of violence. He acknowledges that he is a kind of professional killer rather than a martial artist but that is neither a selfdepreciation nor a boast. Given that he often learned often fought and often murdered in his previous life he really does not carry any regrets or grudges. Since he was summoned as a Servant he swings his wicked fists as the concealed weapons of his master Julius without hesitation. He starts to find the Holy Grail War enjoyable as Hakuno and Hakunos Servants manage to survive his attacks. Making conversation and getting to know the opponent is the ultimate luxury to him. He believes that Martial Arts is to fight on ones life with the weight of years behind ones fist. The opportunity to crush each others lives is rare for him. He is very compatible with his master Julius and he is grateful to be summoned by him to fight once again. Assassin is prideful serious and energetic when fighting in battle.