Dug Volsung

A laidback individual who begrudgingly with the potential to become a great hero. Three years prior to meeting Svahhilde he fought and defeated Demon Lord Zie who had possessed the body of his best friend Helgi. To vindicate his friends name he quickly made a reptutation in the village for being an untrustworthy uncouth troublemaker that was quite bad with money. He also spread the story that it was in fact Helgi not himself who defeated Demon Lord Zie. It seemed this was the only way he could grieve for and honor his friend who in reality was turned into a horrible fiend. Surprisingly he is actually quite knowledgable about valkyries and confronted Svahhilde about her motives. Nevertheless he wasnt able to shake her off since she knew that he was lying about the whole affair. When Demon Lord Zie revived into his monster form Dug revealed himself as a hero and explained the true situation to her. Using her Valhalla he fought and defeated Zie for the final time. However Svahhilde judged that Dug would need another fifty years before he would be able to become a true hero for his mind was still not ready. Dug promised Svahhilde his soul in fifty years knowing that valkyries were lonely individuals... and heroes were more than just tools for them. This would be a new story for Dug to tell the village orphans... the story of the valkyrie. Dugs story does not end there however. Time passed by and Dug ended up being recruited by a man named Zel in order to fight a Sword Dragon. Things turned sour when he was killed along with everyone else save for a young Valkyrie named Qrowbet. Qrowbet tried to force Dug to become her hero but he still had his promise with Svahhilde and he was concerned more about living than dying against the Sword Dragon. Fighting the beast Dug found himself pinned in place by the Sword Dragon. Qrowbets Sagas saved him however breaking the dragons swordbreaking horn providing Dug with a very convenient weapon to land a decisive fatal blow. Since that incident Dug has had a Qrowbet following him around like a lovesick puppy hoping that she can be insurance for her new Master. Note: Dugs character design is similar to that of Lancer from Fate/stay night. Source: The Fifth Heaven of Hlodj