Arisa Minase

水無瀬亜理紗, Alice (アリス)
With a personality as sweet as candy Arisa is a young lady who exudes pure charm and innocence thoughtful towards others and with a bright sense of humor. She enjoys goodnatured teasing with her close friends stuffed animals and tea parties like any ordinary girl but she also has a bit of spice to her as well. She dislikes it when boys get a little too friendly with her and is never afraid to make her displeasure known through a few wellplaced smacks. Despite her cheerful demeanor however she has a tendency to worry and fret over others and often gets lost in her own troubled thoughts. Once in Wonderland she is given the new name of Alice in spite of her protests. Unfortunately she finds her stay is anything but pleasant feeling confused homesick and wanting to return to reality as quick as possible. Source: Ero + Dere