Taranee Cook

Birthday:Mar 23
Taranee is 13 at the start of the series. Her name originates from the Hebrew word Tara which means palm tree. She may be shy and laidback but Taranee can be very determined when she sets her mind to a goal. Out of all her friends she is usually the one that has to remind every one about an important task at hand. She was a new student to Heatherfield along with Will and the two became best friends due to that. Though a bookworm at first glance to everyone she excels in basketball photography listening to classical music and even math. Her biggest influence is her older brother Peter. She is very close and united to her family which later brings about a big problem in love which is her weakpoint. Her feelings which go from shy and sensitive to hotheaded when her feelings are really torn. Irma jokes that this is due to her being a Aries. Thus her birthday being March 23 She is the fire guardian and can control fire at her will. She can produce heat waves read minds and can communicate with people telepathically. Her theme varies from red to orange and her symbol is a red triangle with a corner opened.