Katia Waldheim

カティア・ヴァルトハイム, Ursula Strachwitz (ウルスラ・シュトラハヴィッツ), Schwarz 07, Sieben, Communist-san, The Angel of East Germany, Saint, Modern Jeanne d'Arc, Mary Under the Socialist Regime, Morashi Musume (漏らし娘), Ojou-chan (お嬢ちゃん)
Birthday:Jan 7, 1968
Height: 155cm 5 1 Nationality: German Affiliation: Nationale Volksarmee 666th Schwarzesmarken German Bundeswehr 101st Battalion Rank: Leutnant 2nd Lt. TSF: F4 Phantom MiG21 Balalaika A surface pilot in the Bundeswehr Katia was rescued by the 666th TSF Squadron after the rest of her unit was destroyed. When she applies to defect to the East and asks to join the 666th Irisdina recommends her as a replacement pilot. Katia believes that as long as East and West Germany continue hating each other theyll never be able to win. Viewed as overly idealistic by others Katia will stand up for what she believes even if others are too afraid to stand beside her to the point others consider her a danger to be around in a country where the Stasi operate. Though she has little experience as a TSF pilot she possesses natural talent and instinct which are things that cannot be taught which is why people view her as a potential ace pilot.