
ジンベエ, Kaikyou no Jinbe, Knight of the Sea, First Son of the Sea, Jimbei, Jinbei, Jinbee, Boss Jinbe
Birthday:Apr 2
Initial Age:44
Blood Type:F
Height: 301 cm 910 Affiliation: Position: Devil Fruit: None Bounty: Jinbe is a whale shark fishman who was the second captain of the Sunny Pirates after Fisher Tiger and who became a Shichibukai eight years ago. Jinbes name comes from jinbeizame which means whale shark in Japanese. His epithet Kaikyou would normally translate into Strait or Channel. However since the kanji for it is written as and not the kyou part of it comes from a honorific used when addressing a high ranking yakuza member thus making his epithet a Japanese pun. Source: One Piece Wikia