Jade Leech

ジェイド・リーチ, Monsieur Mastermind
A secondyear student in Octavinelle and main assistant to Azul. Jade not to be confused with his nearidentical twin Floyd is rather formal and polite with others. Typically he wears a smile but he can also wear it while being smug and creepy. Jades unique magic Shock The Heart allows for him to make others speak the truth. This only works once when someone looks into his left eye and he asks a specific question it may not work for advanced magicians or cautious people. On top of that he has the unique ability to turn into something akin to a mermaid when hes underwater. Floyd and Jade get along extremely well as twins. Its not uncommon for them to both tease an unsuspecting victim though Jade will usually make sure things dont get out of hand.