Shougo Amakusa

Shougo Amakusa was a disciple and nephew of Hyoue Nishida. Shougorsquos name at birth was Shougo Muto. After both of his parents were martyred as Christians Shougo and his sister Sayo moved to the continent with Hyoue. Hyoue teaches Shougo the Hiten Mitsurugiryu however Hyoue was not qualified to pass on the Hiten Mitsurugiryu and as a result Shougo misuses the technique with disastrous results. Hyoue lost his position as the successor to the Hiten Mitsurugiryu when he failed counteract his master039s Kuzu Ryu Sen and fell to a watery grave but miraculously survived the incident Hyoue039s master was Seijuro Hiko the 12th who was succeeded by Seijuro Hiko the 13th Kenshin039s master. Once Hyoue realizes his mistake in teaching Shougo the Hiten Mitsurugiryu he tries to stop Shougo. But Shougo permanently blinds Hyoue with the Rai Ryu Sen a technique Shougo invented and the only technique added to the Hiten Mitsurugiryu since its creation. After learning the Hiten Mitsurugiryu Shougo returns to Japan and became the leader of a hidden Christian cult in Shimabara. He uses the Hiten Mitsurugiryu to kill government officials who played a role in the repression of the hidden Christians during the Shogunate. Shougo convinced his followers that he is the son of God and also becomes the selfproclaimed successor to Shir Amakusa a Japanese historical figure of the XVII century by changing his name from Shougo Muto to Shougo Amakusa using the role to avenge the death of his parents and the fellow Christians who were repressed and martyred when he was a child.