
Rutil, Ruchiru
Lucille is the conductor chanteur and composer of the unofficial Royal Orchestra. He has a powerful angellike singing voice which has the power to purify and destroy the Guignols as well as giving them back their memories for a few moments to let them die as humans and not as zombies. Lucille is an extraordinarily handsome man but due to his rather androgynous appearance he is often mistaken for a woman which leads to all kinds of awkward situations but also gives him an opprtunity to disguise. Although he is a rather cheerful and playful character most of the time it is pretty clear that he shares a dark past with Queen Gemsilika indicated through flashbacks he has in gloomy moments although their difficult relationship is unclear at the beginning of the story. Lucille obviously is a royal offspring and has an own mission to fulfill. He takes a hard time in trusting other people. Information taken from Yuki Kaoris Ningyou Kyuutei Gakudan