Mr. 11

First Appearance: Chapter 128 Episode 79 Mr. 11s real name is unknown. He is a Frontier Agent for Baroque Works in One Piece. His partner Miss Thursday is not shown. He makes a very short appearance in two episodes during the Arabasta arc. In the first he is captured by Captain Smoker in Lunas and tied to a flag post. On Smokers ship he unwittingly reveals some information about Baroque Works. In the second the ship is in Arabasta. When an unforeseen event happens that causes the crew including Smoker to leave their ship Mr. 11 tries to free himself. Surprisingly Billions henchmen for Officer Agents board the ship. Mr. 11 mistaking them for Millions henchmen for Frontier Agents yells at them to untie him. The Billions then reveal their rank and are hence the same level as him agents above ranked of 10 are not much stronger than the Billions. Then Mr. 11 apologizes but too little too late for they have no intention of freeing him. Then Mr. Mellow comes toward Mr. 11 and says Its about time a post got opened. and shoots Mr. 11. Though his death isnt shown Mr. Mellows comment makes it a likely possibility especially as Tashigi tells Smoker he was murdered in the same chapter/episode. Source: One Piece Wikia