
In his plot to kill Jigenhttps://anilist.co/character/130418/Jigen Amadohttps://anilist.co/character/130417/Amado heavily modified Eida with ShinobiWare along with an unspecified amount of Outers with capabilities exceeding that of Jigen. The affects of her modifications left her forever despising Amado. Because of her superior might Jigen had ordered for her disposal. Borohttps://anilist.co/character/180513/Boro was given the order. However affected by Eidas powers Boro could not bring himself to complete the task and instead hid Eida in a remote location operated by his cult for his own uses. Eida is a very cold and distant person. She cares little for the events around her. This comes from having grown bored in the life that was forced upon her. With all people automatically drawn to her her greatest desire is to find someone who will genuinely love her. Eida showed great interest in Kawakihttps://anilist.co/character/130426/Kawaki after he deceived Isshiki tsutsukihttps://anilist.co/character/189948/IsshikiOotsutsuki yet she also showed interest in Borutohttps://anilist.co/character/121439/BorutoUzumaki seeing him as cute and dreamy. It was because of Amado who gave her the ability to be irresistibly attractive to everyone that she hates him accusing him of taking away her ability to be genuinely loved and she expressed her desire to kill him for it. Despite her desire to feel true love in which both Kawaki and Boruto were potentially able to give her due to being part tsutsuki she was by her own claim monogamous and was fine if Codehttps://anilist.co/character/189949/Code would sacrifice one of them to the TenTails. As with most members in Kara Eida had been modified with Scientific Ninja Tools by Amado. While the true depths of her power is unknown Amado has noted that her combat abilities exceed Jigens. Eida has the power of clairvoyance able to perceive everything that is currently happening in the world and all that has happened in the past up to the point she was born. From her modifications her very presence makes all who sees her man or woman with the exception of blood relatives and tsutsuki automatically infatuated with her to the point they cannot hurt her. Source: Narutopedia