Scott Lang

スコット・ラング, Ant-Man
When his daughter Cassie was diagnosed as having a serious congenital heart condition Lang sought the aid of surgeon Dr. Erica Sondheim. Desperate to help his daughter Lang decided to return to thievery. Breaking into the New Jersey home of Dr. Henry Pym Lang stole AntMans Suit. Unknown to him Pym observed the theft and in his guise as Yellowjacket followed Lang curious to see what use he would put the paraphernalia. Garbed as AntMan Lang broke into Cross and discovered Dr. Sondheim was held prisoner by Darren Cross president of CTE who needed Sondheim to correct his own heart condition. Rescuing Sondheim and defeating Cross Lang was relieved when Sondheim was able to save the life of his daughter. Lang intended to return the AntMan costume to its owner and turn himself in but Henry Pym offered to let him keep them provided Lang put them to lawful use.