Jürgen Bernhard

ユルゲン・ベルンハルト, Nii-san (兄さん), Cartoshka 1, Ohr 1, Modern Red Guderian, Lieutenant Jurgen Bernhard
Birthday:Jul 1, 1954
Initial Age:17
Nationality: East German Affiliation: Nationale Volksarmee Rank: Cadet Leutnant 2nd Lt. Oberleutnant 1st Lt. Captain TSF: F4R Phantom MiG21 Balalaika MiG21P Jrgen Bernhard is Irisdinas older brother. He and his beloved sister would live alone together most of their adolescence and develop a very close relationship with the two operating for the sake of the other. Both an idealist and a realist the young Jrgens values in his relationships and in East Germany cause him to become a loved ally to many and enemy to some. When doting over Iris and watching her swimming practice his attention was grabbed by a tall girl with deep black hairs dive into a pool beautifully and free of hesitation. When he meets Irisdinas rival and later friend the threes paths would rapidly change along with the world now facing an alien invasion. A legendary ace pilot and the pioneer of laserjagd and military strategies that influenced humanities fight against the BETA to come Jrgens legacy is felt throughout the entire series.