Yu-Ling Pan

潘 玉玲, Han Gyokurei, はん ぎょくれい
Pn GungLns sister and Kenshirs girlfriend. She first met Kenshir after he was badly beaten and she nursed him back to health. She also appears to be some sort of Christian. Her adopted father promised her to Mng KungYn as payment. But YLng was already in love with Kenshiro and a jealous KungYn erased her memory and left her with a nomadic warlord in Northern China. She became the horse bandit leader L XiBo Ri Shh fighting small guerilla battles against the Imperial Japanese Army gaining a sense of hatred against the Japanese. She also learned some Praying Mantis martial art. She eventually regains her memories in Shanghai after meeting Kenshiro again and soon marries him. After GungLn was crippled in a failed assassination attempt she succeeds her brother as leader of the Qng Bng. Source: Wikipedia