Satone Kaidou

One of Group Cs opponents who debuts in the AllBet round of the Adult Tomodachi Game and the daughter of Tsukasa Kaidou. An excellent gambler she tends to rely on her gut feeling and exceedingly sharp senses when it comes to bets making her pretty much unpredictable and earning her a reputation as a true monster. Back when she was a child she had a strong desire to stick out from the crowd for example going to school barefoot so that other people would consider her weird and avoid her. However at the same time she felt annoyed whenever somebody tried to sympathize with her and offer help irritated that they just want to use her to make themselves look good. Despite often acting bossy spoiled and cocky especially when her father is nearby to cheer for her and praise her performance as well as having a tendency to throw tantrums or make snarky personal remarks if things dont go her way or somebody comments mockingly on her scrawny appearance shes actually a very reasonable and righteous woman capable of predicting events far ahead as well as keeping her cool in situations that require her to. She treasures her father deeply believing hes the only person in the world that can tell her what to do. As such she tends to panic and reveal a much more fragile side of her when his life is put in danger. Shes also not used to other people standing up to her bossy attitude or questioning her way of life feeling genuinely intimidated when Yuuichi yells at her.