Pedro Kazmaier

Pedro Kazmaier is a French Karate Champion and Tarchans first apprentice. He is 188 cm tall and weighs 109 kg. His hobby is studying Karate and his specialty attack is the Spinning Back Kick. He deeply respects Tarchan from the bottom of his heart and is impressed with his every action. His catchphrase is Osoreirimashita ? Im impressed. Initially he wishes to defeat Tarchan in order to become famous but he comes to respect his inhuman power and forcibly becomes his disciple. He was abandoned by a child at an orphanage and later adopted by a rich family who often sends him books and cognac. He is very serious and stubborn but a late bloomer when it comes to love. In addition to Karate he also knows Tae Kwan Do Judo and various other arts. His skill as a fighter is rather high but according to Tarchan he cannot handle people outside his weight class and in fact usually loses against such opponents. He tends to hide behind the strength of Tarchan and Ryshihan but his true strength and capability is displayed in the fight against the Seikaken 4. In the vampire story arc he briefly becomes a vampire but retains the increase in power after becoming human again.