Magical Roe

Magical Roe is a clown who was Snows babysitter when she was younger by order of Diana. While being Snows caretaker he quickly became Snows best friend and the two grew very close to each other. Years later Magical Roe was sent into the War Games in order to kidnap Snow. During this round he tells Snow that he didnt join the Chess Pieces he was with them from the start. After Snow used Undine to destroy Magical Roes Nightmare he successfully made off with Snow during the 6th Round much to his reluctancy. Thus Magical Roe won by default. While Team MR stormed Lestava Castle Magical Roe fought off Nanashi Alan and Gaira to prevent them from reaching Snow. In the anime adaption instead he fought Alan and Ginta Toramizu and after defeat Magical Roe regained his senses and sacrificed his life in order to save Snow from the Queens Darkness RM attoning for his wrongdoings towards the princess.Little is known about Magical Roes personality besides that he cares deeply for Princess Snow.