Mizuki Haruyama

春山 瑞希
Mizuki Haruyama is a 2ndyear in Hiiragi Academys acting department and along with Shuuma is one of the Idol Unit AQUA and mediated the Snow White showdown. Hes gentlehearted with a mysterious more sinister side due to his painful past. When Mizuki was 10 he became friends with a girl named Sana who was known for failing at everything. When she entered Junior High she decided to become an actor at the same time Mizuki entered the entertainment business. Due to her lack of success Sana gave up on her dream. This greatly hurt Mizuki who blamed himself for abandoning Sana and whod made her dream his own. Since then they slowly drifted apart causing Mizuki to lose one of his only true friends. Hime is the first person in a long time that hes shown interest in becoming friends with as she greatly resembles Sana. He belongs with GGC Production. Source: Wikipedia