
ぼく, Ii-chan, Ii-tan, Ikkun, Inoji, Nonsense User, Defective Product, Humanity's Weakest, Harakiri Masochist, Spooky E, Monkey Talk
The Nonsense User a boy that drastically plays down his abilities yet inevitably solves any mystery he encounters. Ii is an abnormal person. A defective product. Unable to express much emotion he is often seen with a neutral expression however Ii is able to express some emotion in some circumstances. At the beginning of his second year in junior high he joined the ER3 System and went to Houston in America for 5 years and later returns to Japan at the age of 19. Upon return he begins to attend Rokumeikan University in Kyoto. Ii is friends with Tomo Kunagisa though he refuses to admit he has any and instead calls them acquaintances. Also known as the mirror image of Hitoshiki Zerozaki he is believed to be what Ii would be like if he didnt hold back. Tomo is helped out by Ii at times having a friendly relationship overall. The two are similar being unable to fully express emotions though Tomo can only truly express happiness. Despite this she and Ii had an incident a few years back that she never wishes to happen again. The incident is believed to be Ii leaving Tomo for 5 years. As the mirror image of Hitoshiki Zerozaki the two are unable to harm each other as they can both predict the others moves. Their relationship is a strange one as both of them are vastly different yet so similar to one another. Many people call Ii some cutesy nickname like Iichan and the like though very few people know his actual name.