Makoto Ariga

有賀誠, Mako
Makoto first appears when the cast is in sixth grade though is in a different class. Known as Mako for short though mostly only to Shuichi Makoto is also a trans girl it is this desire that spurs Makoto to become Shuichis closest friend. Due to facial freckles and round glasses Makoto is not able to appear as cute as Shuichi when wearing feminine clothes. Makoto is a romantic who wants to be in a relationship with a cool adult man. Makoto is unusually mature and is able to think calmly and objectively while providing advice to friends. Makoto also gets along well with boys and girls of the same age because of good listening skills and often becomes an onlooker to what is going on in other characters lives. Makoto is an only child whose parents run a bakery.