Masaru Daimon

大門大, Marcus Damon
Birthday:Apr 2
Marcus Damon is a fictional character in the Digimon Data Squad series. His name Masaru means Victory in Japanese. He is the first human lead of any Digimon serial excluding Cmon Digimon that doesnt wear goggles. Marcus is also the first human protagonist to physically hurt Digimon on a regular basis. Marcus is presented as a fourteen yearold student who loves to fight. He lives with his mother and younger sister Kristy Chika. Marcus meets and fights Agumon in the first episode of the series. When the fight ends in a draw Agumon agrees to become his partner. Soon afterwards hes recruited as a member of D.A.T.S. As Marcuss partner Agumon idolizes him and refers to him as his aniki a Japanese colloquialism for older brother used in this case with the connotation of boss as seen in the Yakuza. Marcus is one of the few humans shown to fight Digimon by himself though he still counts on Agumons help to fight the stronger opponents. Even though other humans can evoke their DNA charges by themselves Marcus must usually connect a punch on an enemy to do so subsequently using it to digivolve Agumon. Source: Digimon Wiki