
Gauche Voiced by: Satomi Arai Japanese Laura Bailey English Commonly referred to as the quotTwinsquot to gamers these two were adopted daughters of Yeager but are not bloodsisters. In general these two act as the same character however they do have their own differences. The duo have an undying gratitude to their foster father because he once saved the financially troubled orphanage they lived in for so long. In a side quest where the team fights these two it is revealed that Yeager potentially knew an old friend of Raven039s when they give him her old bow in exchange for a locket. The primary difference between the two is seen in their view of battle where Gauche is seen as more violent than Droite. Perhaps the easiest way to remember who is who is by their hair color and meanings of their names. Gauche is French for quotLeftquot who holds her sword in her left hand and Droite is French for quotright directionquot who holds her sword in her right hand.