Mark Whiting

マーク・ホワイティング, Ninja Master
Birthday:Apr 23
Blood Type:A
A main character in Cardfight Vanguard: Shinemon in which he is in his third year at high school. He initially appears as a minor character in the Cardfight Vanguard V Series Anime as a history teacher at Hitsue Middle School. Mark is not originally from Japan but is infatuated with the countrys history and culture. He moved to Japan as a child for unknown reasons and uses his love of Japan in his profession as a history teacher. His eccentricity and quirkiness is apparent when he teaches and he uses a Japanese historybased trading card game to teach his lessons. He is best friends with Shinemon Nitta and uses his 18 years of history as a ninja to help his friends. He is apparently a maniac for the Sengoku period of Japan. He has a ninja costume which he uses for cosplay purposes and even has smoke bombs. While wearing his cosplay outfit he becomes Ninja Master and talks in an old fashioned way ending his sentences with Degozaru verily in the English dub and Japanese sub. Source: Cardfight Vanguard Wiki