Kazumi Takiura

Kazumi is a young and aspiring teen model who has been a fan of Jun Fudos work since before she entered the profession. She meets Jun during an audition when she entered the wrong building and since then they have been close friends with Jun acting as a big sister or mentor. When Jun first joins the H.A. as a hunter she is forced to alienate her friends including Kazumi. However this proves to be a mistake. When rogue Devilbeasts find out about Jun they consider her a traitor and seek to punish her. They do this by finding out about those close to her and Kazumi was an easy target. While Jun was able to find out in time to save Kazumi she wasnt able to stop the beasts from brutally killing Kazumis parents. Kazumi is later taken in by Jun and is unaware of Juns night life although she strongly suspects something is wrong. As the series progresses the relationship between Kazumi and Jun gradually progresses into an undeniably romantic one. Source: Wikipedia