Jae-Kyung Park

She is a college freshman and a friend of JinHo039s. She was the cofounder and former president of the film studies club as well as the former president of the student council. Even though she flirts with him JinHo feels comfortable enough with her to confide his girl problems to her. There are also hints that JinHo may have had rather deeper feelings for her while she was in high school. It seems that JinHo has been rather more distant with girls since she left. There are implications that JaeKyung has romantic inclinations towards JinHo most prominent when she breaks up with her boyfriend she seeks out JinHo for comfort and acts very coldly towards HaeYoung after she finds out he was waiting for her. Caroline even states that JaeKyung is one of HaeYoung039s rivals. It is later revealed that she was originally afraid of engaging with JinHo in a romantic relationship and that she secretly believed he would still like her when she left displaying regret that she never advanced beyond a friend with him. During these times she has shown a certain level of deviousness stating that she would sabatoge whatever relationship JinHo has with HaeYoung as she claims she truly loves him which meant she had to stop him from making the wrong choice. She has shown subtle manipulation of both HaeYoung and JiSoo and some amount of ruthlessness intending to seduce JinHo and even willing to have sex with him to make him hers.Her plan fails as Jin Ho turns her down Jae Kyung realising she missed her chance to be with Jin Ho encourages him to go to the woman he loves and shows her true feelings by crying after he leaves. from Wikipedia