
アーロン, Arlong the Saw
Birthday:May 3
Blood Type:F
Height: 263cm 87 A sawshark fishman. He was the pirate captain of the all fishman crew the Arlong Pirates a former member of the Sun Pirates and the older brother of Madam Shyarly. He is known for being the main villain in the Arlong Arc and had the highest bounty in East Blue before being defeated by Monkey D. Luffy. Like many other One Piece characters he has his own unique laugh which is Shahahahaha. Arlong considers humans to be inferior beings and is very cruel to them. He is keen to separate his race from humans and has the mentality that his people are superior to humans in every way. He thinks nothing of killing a town full of humans although he seems to prefer controlling people with money and deals. He has an eye for spotting exploitable talent that he can use for his goals and is an excellent planner. He spent eight years using Nami and her maps to plan his takeover of the East Blue. Nevertheless any promise about money he makes he keeps. However even though Arlong states he cant go back on his word he has no qualms about exploiting loopholes in his deals to unfairly get his way. He is also quick to anger and has been illtempered since his younger years. He wasnt always entirely brutal but it was later shown that he had grown more arrogant over time to the point that he completely had no sympathy for humans. However he displays a high level of brotherhood with his crew and even towards Nami despite her species divide. Arlong looks after his crew members and even though he betrayed Nami he did so because he didnt want to lose her talent. Arlong would never harm his fellow fishmen no matter the circumstance and cares for his crew a lot.