En Zu

En Zu calls himself the storm genie and the king of darkness. His true form is an indu gud a huge eagle with the head of a lion. During his first encounter with Pam he had for some reason become a huge malformed beast which was being hunted and fought by Linfa. Pams heirloom necklace knocked En Zu out and shrunk him dramatically allowing Pam to claim him as her familiar. En Zu does not relish the relationship as he views Pam as a weakling and a fool although he does look out for her as a familiar should. Alas Pam has become convinced that En Zu whom she addresses as Zukun is a pervert in his combat form which looks like a young male devil Zu has managed to shock Pams sensibilities without meaning to. Additionally En Zu seems to have lost a lot of his memory from before the time when he was claimed as Pams familiar due to psychological trauma he suffered before Pam took him. Recent information indicates that En Zu is a usurper and that he had been imprisoned for a long time before being released by Remi and went on his illfated rampage. Wiki