Zessica Wong

Basic Element Index: 89 Aura Level Ascension Rate: Pattern A Mind Level Ascension Rate: Pattern A Muscular Power: B Durability: A Rapidity: A++ Technical: A Knowledge: C Fortune: B Deterrence: C Dependency of Unification: A A female student who took an interest on Amata and likes to tease him much to Mikonos displeasure. In the first episode she state that the unification with just girls are boring and wants to try doing it with boys resulting with MIX and Suomi scolding and lecturing her on how it is impure. Her power is the ability to shoot an Energy Blast shaped like a hand shown when teaching Amata Sora the basics of piloting Aquarion Evol on its debut. She has a fear of supernatural things like ghosts and tries to hide it behind a scowl leading her to grab Amata and shouting Dont leave me which caused a misunderstanding especially through Mikono. She also seems to have developed feelings for him proven when she bought a picture of Amata. Source: Wikipedia