Chester Barklight

チェスター・バークライト, Chester Burklight
Height: 5 8 Chester is an archer and Cresss hometown friend. Orphaned at a young age Chester lives with his little sister Ami Burklight. A master of the bow he is a tireless worker with a somewhat cynical attitude. Chester wears a light blue top with a dark blue trim and offwhite almost tan pants. He wears a white scarf around his neck brown fingerless gloves and boots which compliment his outfits color scheme. He has long blue hair formed in a ponytail and carries a brown quiver on his back for storing arrows. Chester is very caring to all who are in the same position as he but it is often hidden by his brash exterior. He can be blunt and arrogant and enjoys arguing with people. At the same time he also has a lot of pride in himself and when that pride is threatened he can quickly turn sour and cold. That same pride however also fuels a determined and unyielding nature and he can be aroused to a hotblooded nature when finding something to focus on.