Franklin Bordeaux

A hulking Frankensteinian monster is what Franklin Furankurin appears to be complete with scars and sewnup wounds that ravage his face. It does seem though that beneath his harsh exterior lies a small caring spot in his character as Franklin acts as a caregiver to Shizuku and shows concern of her wellbeing. He is also composed and respectful normally breaking up arguments and fights within the organization. He is one of the members of the Phantom Troupe that originated from Meteor City. Nen Ability Double Machine Gun: Franklin is a human machine gun as his fingers cap off to reveal chambers where he channels his nen that shoot out as bullets. His fingers werent required to be cut off and used as caps in order to achieve this but Franklin did so because he felt it would be more effective. Doing this actually did greatly enhance the force of his Nen Bullets due to the commitment he showed in doing so. This power has been shown to wipe out a room full of people within seconds.