Prince Virid Viridian

quotMadquot Prince Virid is the younger of Viridians twin princes. After birth he was locked up in a cell by his mother. His mother quothas no need for two princesquot and does not care for Virid at all this Virid: his brother and him share the same name. His mother sent hitmen after Virid but he killed them all which makes people very afraid of him. When the twin princes in Viridian turn thirteen they must have a fight to the death to decide who is the next king. His older twin brother occasionally visited him in his cell and later came with a message from their mother: quotIf you find the Amaranthine and bring it to me you can both live.quot So he sets out to find the Amaranthine and meets Futaba. He joins Futaba and Kiara in their quest to find Kiaras master thus he is traveling with the Amaranthine throughout the story. His personality takes a massive turn from mass murderer to clingy happy person. He seems to have a rather unnatural attraction to Futaba.