Yukari Akiyama

秋山優花里, Guderian, Sergeant Oddball
Birthday:Jun 6
Blood Type:O
Height: 157 cm 52 Home Town: Tsuchiura Ibaraki Prefecture A member of Anko Team and the loader of the Team. She gets overly excited when she sees or hears anything about tanks to put it she is a tank otaku. Yukari has had a deep love for all things tanking and WW2 since a young age. She collects tank models and frequently utilizes WW2era equipment whenever possible. She uses her knowledge of tanks to help the team. She has a deep respect and admiration of overall tank commander Mihohttps://anilist.co/character/62939/MihoNishizumi going as far to refer to her as Nishizumidono. Yukari is also known for her infiltration missions where before a match she will sneak her way into the competing teams school in order to get intel for Miho and the rest of Oorari.