Kubera Leez

쿠베라 리즈, Leez Haias, Kupatergent Kubera Leez Ananta (쿠베라 리즈 아난타)
Species: Human Birthday: Year N0 10th Month 34th Day Birthplace: Planet Willarv Height: 163 cm 53 Birthday Attributes: Kubera / Kubera / Kubera Magician rank: None Family: Rao Leez Father Anna Haias Mother Kubera Leez alias Leez Haias is the main protagonist of the Korean webtoon Kubera. Kubera is quite spontaneous. She has a strong sense of justice but does not think before she acts. As a result she goes wandering off many times throughout her journey much to the dismay of Asha. Growing up in a small village she received minimal education Kaz once implied that her knowledge of math is equal to that of a seven year old kid. She has little understanding of the world outside of her village but quickly learns from her companion Asha. As she has grown up around Annas Half friends she does not see Halfs in a negative light like most habitants of Willarv which also may come from the fact that she is too uneducated and too young to know about the N0 Cataclysm. However she does possess a strong enmity of Suras due to the fact that Maruna destroyed her village. It is strongly suggested that Kubera is yet to overcome the loss of her hometown. Agni commented on how she was depressed in her mind and God Kubera saw through Insight that she is still longing for her mother. Despite this she keeps quiet about her sadness veiling it with a cheerful and happy personality because Asha states that she would only be a burden if she cried. Source: Kubera Wikia