
Birthday:Jun 23
Shiki in the Manga Shiki was one of the members of the Tao clan whose ancestors survived the war against Chronos 25 years ago He confesses to Train in their battle that if he was old enough he would have participated in the war though. As a MasterLevel Taoshi Shiki manipulates his Chi His even though his gender cant be determined in the first volumes due to his garb later on the story he reveals his identity. Shikis main form of offense is through the use of insect summoning and as such his Tao Power is called Insect. However besides his insects he masters the usage of ink seals using them for manipulating his Ki in various ways ranging from creating a seal sword to creating an energy blast. Shiki in the Anime Shikis backstory is not revealed in the anime. He also does not fight Train or show any kind of major role in the Apostles of The Stars as he is part of the elite team summoned by Mason to put into motion the Eden project although he is often seen using his insects to gather information for Creed. He fights Anubis. Source: Wikipedia