Mizuki Sakurazaka

The female lead of the series Mizuki has a personality which could be said to be the opposite of Akira: tough on the outside yet gentle and sensitive beneath her tomboy facade. She039s a firstyear student and the quotprincequot of her cohort. Despite her confidence in front of other girls she finds herself pretty helpless when confronted by Akira039s advances. Also she039s afraid of pain so much so that her ears are not pierced. Although she likes Akira she still has difficulty letting go of her image in front of him this sometimes leads to quarrels between them. Initially she harboured an intense dislike for boys due to the experience she had with a childhood playmate who made her feel uncomfortable whenever they played together. Ironically that playmate turned out to be Akira. She has a younger sister. Also she039s a fan of Sakuya Ookochi a member of the band Lucifer from Kaikan Phrase another work by Shinjo Mayu. Saint Nobara Academyfirst yearclass A years old Height:176 cm Weight:55 kg